NSFW - Not-Safe-For-Work sexually explicit art that contains sexual intercourse, masturbation, cum, and/or sexual fetishes. Once posted, it will be verified by a moderator.įurry - art that contains animal-based characters.Įxtreme - art that contains extreme fetishes. Manga/Comics(Unverified) - Manga/Comics but not short/one page ones. The best posts go towards our themed banners. Themed Flairs - released for a limited time to mark special occasions - Halloween, Valentine's Day, etc. Unsourced posts are more likely to be removed if reported and don't go towards our banners. It does not count if the source is only on the image/content (watermarks), is given only in the title or is a link to a third-party image hosting site (e.g. Unsourced - content that doesn't link to the original creator in the comments (captions or link fields for Gallery posts).